Saturday, April 20, 2013

I'm Back And Ready To Go!

Did you miss me?
I I have spent a few years getting situated here in the new homestead. Although I am no longer located in Athens (Only 10 miles from downtown) I am still contemplating using the same name. I feel that maybe it would be cheating a little bit, but I do love the name. An alternate name I was thinking of was Papa Jack's Farm. Named after my fist rooster.
Papa Jack

 I think Papa Jack's Ranch has a better ring to it, but I do not have a ranch. We no longer have Papa Jack.

It has been an eventful couple of years; Roll the highlight reel:
Bought a house
New baby Alfie
Bought then sold some goats
Got some chickens
...And so on. We are now in our third year at the new homestead. My garden is much larger than when I started gardening 5 years ago. I have opted to employ the Biointensive gardening method developed by John Jeavons. Though not strictly adhering to the principles set forth by Jeavons, I feel it is a good basic framework.

I plan to use this space as a public diary of progress and setbacks and profits and losses and all. Good luck to me and hooray for homesteading!

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