Monday, April 22, 2013

A lot of ground to cover...

 Happy birthday to my oldest little. I can't believe he is already six.
I am not so sure that the My Little Pony themed birthday was all that well received with my folks, but I loved it and more importantly the birthday boy thought it was the best birthday yet. The lovely wife made the cake and she is so talented at it. The pony on top (Twilight Sparkle) was modeled out of fondant. Also this is the only year that the number of letters in his name coincides with the number of candles on his cake.
     Meet youngest little. He is a farmer in training. His favorite activities include climbing, throwing things,    waking up at 5:30 a.m., and running around outside; usually down the driveway in the direction of the road. Luckily we have a fairly long driveway so he doesn't come anywhere near  the road.
He also loves tending the chickens with me. He has his own egg collecting basket and gets quite upset if ever I forget to ask him if he wants to join me in the collecting of the eggs. However, if left alone with the egg basket for any length of time he will invariably start playing with the "finger paint" inside the eggs.
Another masterpiece!

     We went strawberry picking this weekend as it happens to be strawberry season here in Georgia. We go to Washington Farms in Oconee County, and have gone every year since we moved to town 8 years ago. I bet you can't guess who LOVES strawberries, or waweewee's as he likes to call them.
      This is my lawnmower. Our old landlord sold me this for $100 when he found out we were buying a house with a couple of acres that would need mowing. It has broken down every year that I have tried to use it and by the time I get it running again the grass and weeds have gotten so high that I just give up until the next year. This year I vow that things will be different. Already it has broken down twice and, with my great googling powers I have been able to diagnose and fix the problems. I will keep the grass mowed this year!
      I did get an awesome scythe and snath a couple years back from the Scythe Supply that I was able to use on some of the grounds to make hay for the goats. I was quite surprised at how satisfying it was to put up hay from grass that I had mowed and dried by hand. Here is a video of someone on You Tube (not me) making hay. I miss having the goats if for no other reason then it gave me an excuse to make hay.

 I was able to make some tomato cages out of the goat fencing that I no longer need. I have an easy dozen or so to make still. Maybe closer to two dozen. But I do still have a week or so before they might really take off and need some support.
 I am quite pleased with the potatoes that I have planted. I will need to mulch them with straw sometime in the next week.
And finally the weather has started to warm enough so that I was able to enjoy my first mint based alcoholic drink. I went with the mint julep rather than my favorite summertime drink, the mojito. I am sure that if the weather continues to warm I will switch to the mojito by the end of the month.I do love the summertime. As Ralph waldo Emerson Said " I grow and expand in the warm sun like corn and melons." I realy love the summertime and all the sunshine and warmth. I love mojitos in hammocks and mint green tea in the shade. Fresh pesto for homemade pizzas, ripe cantaloupes and juicy sweet corn just picked lightly grilled. Please come soon Summer I have missed you.

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