Wednesday, April 24, 2013

What Is Coming Up

 The lettuce here  is Buttercrunch. It is a head lettuce and is coming in nicely.  Next to the lettuce, running down the middle of the bed is a row of Clemson Spineless Okra. Running up the bed, opposite the lettuce, is a split row. Up to the little stick marker is planted Moon and Stars Watermelon, and from the stick on I have planted snapdragons. You can see one of the three blueberry bushes planted last year next to the garden cart. The grapes are visible on the trellis fence at the end of the lettuce row
 Joy of joys the Sweet Basil is sprouting. I will do some weeding in this bed come the weekend. Sweet basil was the first plant I tried growing almost 10 years ago now. It has been a treat every year since. Fresh basil is amazing and pesto pizza is our favorite way to enjoy it.

The sunflowers have germinated at a decent rate. only a couple of bare spots. I did not get the same results with many of the other crops I direct seeded. The carrots had the saddest showing with only about 2 dozen carrots coming up in a 4'x6' bed. I should have had 5 times that amount. From now on I will have to plan on sowing a much thicker line of seeds. As sad as it is to thin the row, it is much sadder to see all the wasted space and lost potential.
It is not too big of a garden this year, but it should give me an idea as to how much garden I can tend so that next year I will be able to expand accordingly.

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