I was not able to get much done in the past couple weeks. I had a busy week at work combined with excessive rains that left me longing to get out in the garden. Last Sunday the rain stopped and the sun peaked through the clouds for a couple hours, just long enough for me to get the rest of the tomato cages built.
A pleasant benefit to all the rain was that the ground was saturated enough for me to easily dig out the T-posts from the old goat fencing. I thought I was going to have to buy a $50 T-post puller to get them out of the ground without ruining them.
I used some of the posts to put up this trellis for the beefsteak tomatoes. I am going to try and train these to grow up by picking the side shoots and suckers. Hopefully this will result in bigger and better, though fewer, tomatoes.
The basil bed was successfully weeded. The germination rate on these were okay. I was hoping for better, but at least they came up at a decent spacing and coverage. Ideally they would have come up thicker and more closely spaced so that I could use the thinnings in the kitchen. I am going to try and start these indoors from now on. Not only will that result in fresh basil sooner, but it will also allow me to control the spacing.
In this bed I have the green beans. They are a bush style which I have never grown before so I am anxious to see how well they produce. I like the looks of a bean trellis so I may still put in some climbing beans. Next to the beans on the left side of the bed I planted sugar pie pumpkins because I love pumpkin pie.
I am so pleased with how the potatoes have thrived here. This is my second year growing potatoes and it turns out that it is one of my favorite crops to grow. I will devote more space to the potato next year. I may even try a fall planting this year.
Kale in the foreground, radishes in the middle and carrots in the background. I will be harvesting the first of the kale probably this weekend. I have harvested close to a pound of radishes so far in just two pickings.
The boys.
Alfie the elf.